Dutchess County Executive's Arts Awards 2023

Randy Caruso


“Countless lands to discover, countless seeds to bloom – and again the day slips away” I’m optimistic to a fault: projects, art, code, and building stuff – there’s not much separation anymore. I survive as a Web Developer by day, Theater Tech by night. I grew up in Southern California, moved up to Santa Cruz and found a new world. Came to New York when it was time to have a yard for the kid (and time for an adventure). I’ve always taken things apart to find the secrets, looked where I was told not to, seen past the grids and rules to find unexplored territory. Still surprised how much there is. I’m lucky enough to be married to Jill Losee, have a daughter (Ali Caruso), be surrounded by too many pets, and have a home I can carve to be everything we need. All this in a town (Beacon) we can walk to and find our coffees and snacks with little effort, life is pretty good. The Seeger Theater is where I spend a lot of time, an amazing stage embedded in a high school – so we have a support system like no other. I joined Anthony Scaronne who already had a good start on building a program that’s sending kids to Broadway. As a community we have some great access to talent and resources that you might imagine right outside of NYC. We have few boundaries, it’s an amazing experience to build a show there.  

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